Category Archives: Network
Installing Wildcard Certificate on Cisco ASA 5512X Firewall
The instructions referenced here have been derived from the URL below. You will need to create a certificate chain and call it root.crt openssl pkcs12 -export -in star.mycompany.com_cert.pem -inkey star.mycompany.com_key.pem -certfile root.crt -out bundle.p12 Enter Export Password: [Enter your … Continue reading
Cisco WAP convert lightweight to autonomous AP
Converting a lightweight access point to an autonomous access point is not an easy task. First off, you must have access to the OS image file for the autonomous access point. To download this software you must have a smartnet … Continue reading
How to add bonjour to your Cisco Wireless Controller
I recently received a request to add bonjour support to a wireless network for testing. I thought this would be easy but then I found out that Cisco wireless controllers do no support this without additional configuration. I found a … Continue reading